Sabine Konrad


  • Kuivallik v. Latvia (UNCITRAL, renewable energy, presiding arbitrator)
  • ENERGO-PRO v. Republic of Bulgaria (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/19, hydroelectric power & other energy, co-arbitrator appointed by claimant)
  • Konsortium Oeconomicus v. Czech Republic (UNCITRAL, waste incineration, co-arbitrator appointed by respondent)
  • São Vicente v. Republic of Angola (SCC, oil & gas, emergency arbitrator)
  • GBC Oil v. Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Republic of Albania et al. (ICC, oil & gas, co-arbitrator appointed by the institution)
  • Further appointments as presiding, sole, party-appointed and emergency arbitrator in international commercial arbitrations under the ICC, SIAC, LCIA, UNCITRAL, Swiss, DIS and FAI Rules, often in energy disputes
  • Representing Wintershall Dea in two parallel ad-hoc arbitrations against the Russian Federation regarding the oil & gas sector
  • Representing four German banks in an arbitration against Spain concerning its renewable energy reform (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/45)
  • Representing an investor in an arbitration against Spain concerning its renewable energy reform (ICSID Case No. ARB/19/30)
  • Representing a bank in an arbitration against Italy concerning a renewable energy project (ICSID Case No. ARB/20/03)
  • Defending the Czech Republic in an arbitration brought by a French advertisement company (ICSID Case No. ARB/20/33)
  • Defending the Federal Republic of Germany against Azienda Elettrica in a case concenring the German coal phase-out (ICSID Case No. ARB/23/47)
  • Defended the Federal Republic of Germany against Vattenfall in the reported US$ 7 billion arbitration regarding the nuclear phase-out until its settlement (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/12)
  • Defended the Federal Republic of Germany in its first-ever investment treaty arbitration until its settlement (ICSID Case No. ARB/09/6)
  • Represented Fraport AG in the successful annulment proceedings against the Republic of the Philippines regarding the construction of an airport (ICSID Case No. ARB/03/25)
  • Represented the national oil company of an Asian State in parallel ICC/ICSID cases against Venezuela/PdVSA obtaining an award and payment in excess of US$ 100 million
  • Represented two German investors in two parallel arbitrations against Costa Rica (ICSID Case Nos. ARB/08/1, and ARB/09/20)
  • Represented Fraport AG in a new ICSID arbitration under a BIT proceeding against the Republic of the Philippines (ICSID Case No. ARB/11/12)
  • Represented a Swedish investor in an arbitration against Romania (ICSID Case No. ARB/05/20)
  • Represented a Central European fintech company in an ICC arbitration against a South-Eastern European State under the State’s investment law
  • Defended an Eastern European State in an ad-hoc arbitration regarding a foreign oil and gas company, valued in excess of US$ 1 billion
  • Defended a Central European State in a US$ 900 million ad-hoc arbitration in relation to a steel mill
  • Defended Poland against U.S. investors concerning the development of a plasma processing plant (Case No. ARB (AF)/10/1)
  • Defended a German renewable energy company against claims in a HKIAC arbitration against a PRC entity under CISG and winning counter-claims worth multiple million euros
  • Represented a German manufacturer in its dispute against a PRC purchaser of a process plant under PRC law and HKIAC Rules
  • Represented a U.S. subsidiary of an Asian pharmaceutical company against a Swedish pharmaceutical company under the SCC Rules
  • Acted for a German company in an arbitration of approx. EUR 100 million seated in Germany (DIS case)
  • Acted for a U.S. company in an energy arbitration under Cayman law (ICC case)
  • Acted for a U.S. company in an arbitration regarding clothing manufacturing seated in New York (ICC case)
  • Represented a Central European oil company in a post-privatization dispute with a multinational oil conglomerate in London under English, Czech and Polish law
  • Represented an African oil company in a dispute with a Belgium company under Belgium law
  • Represented a German claimant in an ICC arbitration under New York law arising out of an M&A agreement against a BVI company in New York
  • Represented an Asian subsidiary of a U.S. company in an ICC arbitration seated in Switzerland in a dispute concerning a Licensing Agreement under U.S. law with parallel proceedings in U.S. federal and in Pakistani courts
  • Represented a German client in an arbitration under CRCICA Rules and German as well as Egyptian law concerning the termination of a joint venture for the development of hotel and leisure complexes in the Middle East
  • Represented the claimant in a put-option dispute in value of US$ 110 million under New York law and the ICDR Rules
  • Represented a U.S. import company in an ICC arbitration against a French company;
  • Represented a U.S. company in an ICC arbitration seated in the Netherlands concerning a shareholder dispute under French law
  • Represented an international construction and engineering conglomerate from Spain in an ICC arbitration seated in the USA in an arbitration concerning the construction of a hydroelectric dam in Latin America
  • Pursued claims of a German company in an arbitration and mediation against a U.S. manufacturer concerning the faulty design of a process plant
  • Defending a German oil & gas company in a climate-change litigation in German courts
  • Represented the Netherlands in its intervention in set-aside proceedings brought by a Central European State before the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt
  • Designated by the Federal Republic of Germany the Panel of Arbitrators of the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in 2007, 2013 and 2019
  • Member of the roster of arbitrators of the International Development Law Organisations (IDLO), the BIAC Panel for International Investment Arbitration, the list of practitioners of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC), the Panel of Arbitrators of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), the Panel of Arbitrators of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (HKIAC), the KCAB INTERNATIONAL’s Panel of International Arbitrators, the Oman Commercial Arbitration Centre (OAC), the Panel of Arbitrators and the Panel of Mediators of the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC, formerly KLRCA), as well as the Panel of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA)
  • Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)
  • Founder of the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot
  • Global Arbitration Review: Listed as lead partner of team in ‘GAR 100’, most recently in the 17th edition 2024
  • Nominated for annual GAR Awards in the category ‘Decision of the Year’ in 2010 (successful annulment in Fraport v. Philippines), 2013 (successful defense of validity Dutch-Slovak BIT on behalf of the Netherlands as intervener in the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt) and 2021 (successful defense against disqualification proposal in Landesbank Baden-Württemberg et al. v. Spain)
  • Who’s Who Legal: listed as  ‘Thought Leader’, Arbitration Germany and as  ‘Leading Expert’, Arbitration (since 2012)
  • Chambers Global: listed in ‘Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel’, Germany (since 2013)
  • JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien: listed as ‘Top Arbitration Counsel‘
  • The Legal 500: listed as ‘Leading Individual’, Arbitration (Including International Arbitration), Germany
  • The Leagl 500: listed in Private Practice Powerlist, Arbitration | DACH, since 2023
  • Best Lawyers / Handelsblatt: listed as ‘Lawyer of the Year’, Arbitration and Mediation, Germany (since 2014)
  • Wirtschaftswoche: listed as ‘Top Lawyer for Arbitration’
  • Kuivallik v. Latvia (UNCITRAL, renewable energy, presiding arbitrator)
  • ENERGO-PRO v. Republic of Bulgaria (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/19, hydroelectric power & other energy, co-arbitrator appointed by claimant)
  • Konsortium Oeconomicus v. Czech Republic (UNCITRAL, waste incineration, co-arbitrator appointed by respondent)
  • São Vicente v. Republic of Angola (SCC, oil & gas, emergency arbitrator)
  • GBC Oil v. Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Republic of Albania et al. (ICC, oil & gas, co-arbitrator appointed by the institution)
  • Further appointments as presiding, sole, party-appointed and emergency arbitrator in international commercial arbitrations under the ICC, SIAC, LCIA, UNCITRAL, Swiss, DIS and FAI Rules, often in energy disputes
  • Representing Wintershall Dea in two parallel ad-hoc arbitrations against the Russian Federation regarding the oil & gas sector
  • Representing four German banks in an arbitration against Spain concerning its renewable energy reform (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/45)
  • Representing an investor in an arbitration against Spain concerning its renewable energy reform (ICSID Case No. ARB/19/30)
  • Representing a bank in an arbitration against Italy concerning a renewable energy project (ICSID Case No. ARB/20/03)
  • Defending the Czech Republic in an arbitration brought by a French advertisement company (ICSID Case No. ARB/20/33)
  • Defending the Federal Republic of Germany against Azienda Elettrica in a case concenring the German coal phase-out (ICSID Case No. ARB/23/47)
  • Defended the Federal Republic of Germany against Vattenfall in the reported US$ 7 billion arbitration regarding the nuclear phase-out until its settlement (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/12)
  • Defended the Federal Republic of Germany in its first-ever investment treaty arbitration until its settlement (ICSID Case No. ARB/09/6)
  • Represented Fraport AG in the successful annulment proceedings against the Republic of the Philippines regarding the construction of an airport (ICSID Case No. ARB/03/25)
  • Represented the national oil company of an Asian State in parallel ICC/ICSID cases against Venezuela/PdVSA obtaining an award and payment in excess of US$ 100 million
  • Represented two German investors in two parallel arbitrations against Costa Rica (ICSID Case Nos. ARB/08/1, and ARB/09/20)
  • Represented Fraport AG in a new ICSID arbitration under a BIT proceeding against the Republic of the Philippines (ICSID Case No. ARB/11/12)
  • Represented a Swedish investor in an arbitration against Romania (ICSID Case No. ARB/05/20)
  • Represented a Central European fintech company in an ICC arbitration against a South-Eastern European State under the State’s investment law
  • Defended an Eastern European State in an ad-hoc arbitration regarding a foreign oil and gas company, valued in excess of US$ 1 billion
  • Defended a Central European State in a US$ 900 million ad-hoc arbitration in relation to a steel mill
  • Defended Poland against U.S. investors concerning the development of a plasma processing plant (Case No. ARB (AF)/10/1)
  • Defended a German renewable energy company against claims in a HKIAC arbitration against a PRC entity under CISG and winning counter-claims worth multiple million euros
  • Represented a German manufacturer in its dispute against a PRC purchaser of a process plant under PRC law and HKIAC Rules
  • Represented a U.S. subsidiary of an Asian pharmaceutical company against a Swedish pharmaceutical company under the SCC Rules
  • Acted for a German company in an arbitration of approx. EUR 100 million seated in Germany (DIS case)
  • Acted for a U.S. company in an energy arbitration under Cayman law (ICC case)
  • Acted for a U.S. company in an arbitration regarding clothing manufacturing seated in New York (ICC case)
  • Represented a Central European oil company in a post-privatization dispute with a multinational oil conglomerate in London under English, Czech and Polish law
  • Represented an African oil company in a dispute with a Belgium company under Belgium law
  • Represented a German claimant in an ICC arbitration under New York law arising out of an M&A agreement against a BVI company in New York
  • Represented an Asian subsidiary of a U.S. company in an ICC arbitration seated in Switzerland in a dispute concerning a Licensing Agreement under U.S. law with parallel proceedings in U.S. federal and in Pakistani courts
  • Represented a German client in an arbitration under CRCICA Rules and German as well as Egyptian law concerning the termination of a joint venture for the development of hotel and leisure complexes in the Middle East
  • Represented the claimant in a put-option dispute in value of US$ 110 million under New York law and the ICDR Rules
  • Represented a U.S. import company in an ICC arbitration against a French company;
  • Represented a U.S. company in an ICC arbitration seated in the Netherlands concerning a shareholder dispute under French law
  • Represented an international construction and engineering conglomerate from Spain in an ICC arbitration seated in the USA in an arbitration concerning the construction of a hydroelectric dam in Latin America
  • Pursued claims of a German company in an arbitration and mediation against a U.S. manufacturer concerning the faulty design of a process plant
  • Defending a German oil & gas company in a climate-change litigation in German courts
  • Represented the Netherlands in its intervention in set-aside proceedings brought by a Central European State before the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt
  • Designated by the Federal Republic of Germany the Panel of Arbitrators of the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in 2007, 2013 and 2019
  • Member of the roster of arbitrators of the International Development Law Organisations (IDLO), the BIAC Panel for International Investment Arbitration, the list of practitioners of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC), the Panel of Arbitrators of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), the Panel of Arbitrators of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (HKIAC), the KCAB INTERNATIONAL’s Panel of International Arbitrators, the Oman Commercial Arbitration Centre (OAC), the Panel of Arbitrators and the Panel of Mediators of the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC, formerly KLRCA), as well as the Panel of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA)
  • Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)
  • Founder of the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot
  • Global Arbitration Review: Listed as lead partner of team in ‘GAR 100’, most recently in the 17th edition 2024
  • Nominated for annual GAR Awards in the category ‘Decision of the Year’ in 2010 (successful annulment in Fraport v. Philippines), 2013 (successful defense of validity Dutch-Slovak BIT on behalf of the Netherlands as intervener in the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt) and 2021 (successful defense against disqualification proposal in Landesbank Baden-Württemberg et al. v. Spain)
  • Who’s Who Legal: listed as  ‘Thought Leader’, Arbitration Germany and as  ‘Leading Expert’, Arbitration (since 2012)
  • Chambers Global: listed in ‘Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel’, Germany (since 2013)
  • JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien: listed as ‘Top Arbitration Counsel‘
  • The Legal 500: listed as ‘Leading Individual’, Arbitration (Including International Arbitration), Germany
  • The Leagl 500: listed in Private Practice Powerlist, Arbitration | DACH, since 2023
  • Best Lawyers / Handelsblatt: listed as ‘Lawyer of the Year’, Arbitration and Mediation, Germany (since 2014)
  • Wirtschaftswoche: listed as ‘Top Lawyer for Arbitration’